Use React Native to post to secure AWS API Gateway endpoint

I am setting up a React Native application that will interface with an authenticated API hosted by AWS API Gateway. Here is how I set up my API to be secured through authentication. I am not sure that this will be used in production, but it is working well for testing.

This post will go over the following:

  1. Setting up a very simple React Native application
  2. Adding a simple button that will later be used to get data from an endpoint
  3. Using the react-native-dotenv module for environment set up
  4. Using the react-native-aws-signature module for authorization
  5. Debugging with react-native-aws-signature

Here is the code for this example on githhub

Setting up a very simple React Native application

Start with a brand new react-native application. To set one up, run:

[~] $ react-native init SampleProject
[~] $ cd SampleProject
[~/SampleProject] $ react-native run-ios

You should get something in the simulator that looks like this:

Adding a simple button that will later be used to get data from an endpoint

In the index.ios.js file, add Button to the imports:

import {
} from 'react-native';

Replace the existing SampleProject Component with this:

export default class SampleProject extends Component {

    this.state = {
      textToDisplay: 'no text yet' //state value that will display API response

  // Action that is called when button is pressed
  retrieveData() {
    this.setState({textToDisplay: "button pressed"})

  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
        <Text style={styles.welcome}>
          Welcome to React Native!

          onPress={() => this.retrieveData()}
          title="API request"



Reloading in the simulator should give you something like this:

If you press the ‘API Request’ link, you should get this:

Using the react-native-dotenv module for environment set up

In a production mobile application, you don’t want to save secret API keys anywhere in the code because it can be reverse engineered. There is a SO post here about it.

That being said, if you are only installing the app on your phone during the testing phase, it is probably fine.

The official react-native-dotenv instructions are here, but this is what I did to set it up.

First, install the module

npm install react-native-dotenv --save-dev

Add the react-native-dotenv preset to your .babelrc file at the project root.

  "presets": ["react-native", "react-native-dotenv"]

Create a .env file in your project root directory with your AWS credentials and the host.

# DO NOT use secret keys anywhere in your compiled code, even in .env files.
# You should use another method of authorization when this product goes to production
AWS_KEY=your key here
AWS_SECRET_KEY=your secret key here
API_STAGE=your api stage name here, mine is test
HOST=your host here, do not include the protocol (http:// or https://)

Now, let’s set up a really simple class that we will use to interface with our API. This should be at the same level as index.ios.js, and mine is called called SampleApi.js.

import { AWS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY, HOST, AWS_REGION, API_STAGE} from 'react-native-dotenv'

class sampleApi {
  static get() {
    // Just return the host value to make sure our .env is working
    return HOST

export default sampleApi

Then, somewhere near the top of index.ios.js, import the new class:

import sampleApi from "./SampleApi"

Replace the retrieveData function with:

retrieveData() {
  this.setState({textToDisplay: sampleApi.get()})

Our full index.ios.js should now look like:

 * Sample React Native App
 * @flow

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';

import sampleApi from "./SampleApi"

export default class SampleProject extends Component {

    this.state = {
      textToDisplay: "not set" // state value that will display API response

  // Action that is called when button is pressed
  retrieveData() {
    this.setState({textToDisplay: sampleApi.get()})

  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
        <Text style={styles.welcome}>
          Welcome to React Native!

          onPress={() => this.retrieveData()}
          title="API request"



const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF',
  welcome: {
    fontSize: 20,
    textAlign: 'center',
    margin: 10,
  instructions: {
    textAlign: 'center',
    color: '#333333',
    marginBottom: 5,

AppRegistry.registerComponent('SampleProject', () => SampleProject);

Note: if you change the .env file only, the simulator will not recognize the change and your changes will not take affect.

Using the react-native-aws-signature module for authorization

Now, we want to actually hit the API when the button is pressed. Start by installing the react-native-aws-signature module

npm install react-native-aws-signature --save

In SampleApi.js, add the import for AWSSignature:

import AWSSignature from 'react-native-aws-signature'

Remove the contents of the get() method in SampleApi.js and start by setting up some variables based on the .env file:

static get() {
  const verb = 'get'
  // construct the url and path for our sample API
  const path = '/' + API_STAGE + '/pets'
  const url = 'https://' + HOST + path

  let credentials = {
    AccessKeyId: AWS_KEY,
    SecretKey: AWS_SECRET_KEY

Next, set up the header and options. These will be used to generate the authorization details and they will be used in the request to the API.

let auth_date = new Date();

  let auth_header = {
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'dataType': 'json',
    'X-Amz-Date': auth_date.toISOString(),
    'host': HOST

  let auth_options = {
    path: path,
    method: verb,
    service: 'execute-api',
    headers: auth_header,
    region: AWS_REGION,
    body: '',

Then, create a new AWSSignature object and call setParams. This will generate the authorization header, which we retrieve in the next bit of code:

  let awsSignature = new AWSSignature();

Now, retrieve the authorization information and append it to our header.

  const authorization = awsSignature.getAuthorizationHeader();

  // Add the authorization to the header
  auth_header['Authorization'] = authorization['Authorization']

Finally, make the request to the API using the header we just created. We are expecting json back, and I have included some basic error checking.

let options = Object.assign({
  method: verb,
  headers: auth_header

return fetch(url, options).then( resp => {
  let json = resp.json();
  if (resp.ok) {
    return json
  return json.then(err => {throw err});

Here is what the SampleApi.js file should now look like:

import AWSSignature from 'react-native-aws-signature'
import { AWS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY, HOST, AWS_REGION, API_STAGE} from 'react-native-dotenv'

class sampleApi {

  static get() {
    const verb = 'get'
    // construct the url and path for our sample API
    const path = '/' + API_STAGE + '/pets'
    const url = 'https://' + HOST + path

    let credentials = {
      AccessKeyId: AWS_KEY,
      SecretKey: AWS_SECRET_KEY

    let auth_date = new Date();

    let auth_header = {
      'Accept': 'application/json',
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'dataType': 'json',
      'X-Amz-Date': auth_date.toISOString(),
      'host': HOST

    let auth_options = {
      path: path,
      method: verb,
      service: 'execute-api',
      headers: auth_header,
      region: AWS_REGION,
      body: '',

    let awsSignature = new AWSSignature();

    const authorization = awsSignature.getAuthorizationHeader();

    // Add the authorization to the header
    auth_header['Authorization'] = authorization['Authorization']

    let options = Object.assign({
      method: verb,
      headers: auth_header

    return fetch(url, options).then( resp => {
      let json = resp.json();
      if (resp.ok) {
        return json
      return json.then(err => {throw err});

export default sampleApi

Modify index.ios.js to set the state to include the return value of the request. Since we are getting a json array back, we have to loop through it to make a readable text block:

// Action that is called when button is pressed
retrieveData() {
  sampleApi.get().then(resp => {
    tempText = ""
    // we will get an array back, so loop through it
    resp.forEach(function(pet) {
      tempText += JSON.stringify(pet) + "\n"

    // update our state to include the new text  
    this.setState({textToDisplay: tempText})

After you refresh the simulator, you should be able to press the button and receive a screen that looks something like this:

Debugging with react-native-aws-signature

This AWS troubleshooting guide is helpful, but react-native-aws-signature does most of the work for you, so it can be difficult to determine where your mistakes are.

I got this error when I was including the https:// at the beginning of the host parameter in the header. The full error includes what AWS was expecting for the ‘canonical string’ and the ‘string to sign’.

The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method.

I figured out how to fix the issue by using the getCanonicalString() and getStringToSign() methods.

var awsSignature = new AWSSignature();

// Set up the params here as described above

console.log("canonical string")
console.log("string to sign")

Create secure endpoints for AWS API Gateway

I am building an application that will rely on the AWS API Gateway for a REST API. I want to make sure that other people are not able to read or write data on the endpoints. I will be using IAM authentication, using the steps below:

  1. Set up an example API
  2. Test that the API works without authorization
  3. Enable authorization on your endpoints
  4. Set up a new User in IAM for API requests
  5. Configure your request to use your credentials

Set up an example API

If you already have an API set up, skip this part.

From API Gateway, select “Create API”.

On the next screen select “Example API” and click “Import”.

The UI will then prompt you to “Deploy API”, if it doesn’t, you can select the option from the “Actions” dropdown. You must provide a stage name for the deploy, I just used ‘test’.

After you have deployed the API, you should see a screen like this, that includes a link to the API.

Click on the link and it will bring you to an info page. We will test the endpoint in the next step.

Test that the API works without auth

Now, make sure you can get to your endpoints without authentication. You can test the GET endpoint by appending ‘/pets’ to your url, either in a browser or with an application like Postman.

The browser output will look something like this:

The Postman output will look something like this:

postman response

Enable authorization on your endpoints

Now, let’s lock down the API so only we can get to it. In API gateway, select the /pets GET resource:

Then go to the configs for the Method Request and select ‘AWS_IAM’ under the Authorization setting.

In order for the changes to take affect, you have to use the “Deploy API” action under the “Actions” dropdown. You can deploy over an existing stage, or create a new one.

Now when you try to hit the endpoint via the url, you should get this response

{"message":"Missing Authentication Token"}

Set up new User in IAM for API requests

Go to your IAM setup and add a new group with the following permissions: AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess

Set up a new user that is a part of the group you just created. You won’t need to log in as that user, so don’t set up a password.

On the last screen, the credentials will be provided, make sure you capture both the Access Key ID and the Secret access key, the secret key won’t be displayed again.

Configure your request to use your credentials

In order to get to our endpoint, we need to include authorization values in the header. These are calculated at the time of the request to make sure other people cannot just reuse your headers to gain access.

Here are the full instructions from Amazon, but Postman makes it pretty easy.

Under the “Authorization” tab, select “AWS Signature”

You will be taken to this screen where you can enter the configuration:

The configuration includes:

  • AccessKey – This is the Access Key ID that we copied in the previous step, it is the shorter of the keys
  • SecretKey – This is the “Secret Access Key” that was copied in the previous step, it is the longer of the keys. (It should never be shared)
  • AWS Region – This is ‘us-west-2’ for me, but may be different for you
  • Service Name – this should be ‘execute-api’

After you have entered the values, press “Update Request”. Now if you try to access the endpoint, you should get the data as before.

Check out the values that were included in the “Headers” tab. The X-Amz-Date and Authorization will change with each request and they are what Amazon verifies on their end to ensure you have up to date permissions.

Next Steps

In order to use the API from an application, you will need to systematically add the headers to your requests. I am using react-native-aws-signature for my React Native application.

Using Amazon Web Services to create a serverless web app

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides resources that can take the place of a traditional webserver. A huge advantage to this approach is removing the need for the developer to maintain servers, and to allow for easy scaling depending upon use.

In my project, I want to set up mobile app that will use AWS as a backend. I plan on using the following services:

  • Lambda – allows you to run arbitrary code without setting up a server
  • Relational Database Service (RDS) – hosted database. I will be using postgresql
  • Step Functions – Connect services together using visual workflows
  • API Gateway – Create API endpoints to allow your backend to be used outside of AWS

Other technology I will be using

  • Node.js – I am new to JavaScript and want to learn more about it
  • PostgreSQL
  • Bookshelf.js/Knex – I want a well supported ORM that supports PostgreSQL. Bookshelf.js seems robust and since it is built on top of Knex, I can always fall back to Knex for unsupported functionality.
  • node-lambda – Make it easier to manage AWS Lambda deployment

Here is an outline of my steps

  • Set up PostgreSQL and Bookshelf.js
  • Set up hosted database using RDS
  • Create simple lambda that reads from RDS
  • Integrate API Gateway with Lambda
  • Connect 2 Lambdas together with Step Functions
  • Integrate API Gateway with Step Functions